Monday 16 March 2015

On the March...

Ooooh, it's been a while. I've been to Ireland and the UK and back again. I've been overcharged for car rental and have today managed to spill bleach on my foot. Life is pretty normal right now...

Ireland was so much fun!! I went over for the boy's sister's surprise baby shower. We were so good at keeping this surprise that when she opened the door and saw us all I thought her waters might break! It was a tea party, so everybody baked/made sandwiches/brought cake stands and decorations, and we nattered and ate far too much and cooed over the two newborns and played games, and then a few of us stayed around after wards and I glugged a bottle of wine with Boy's dad. My time there on my own (ie. without the boy) helped establish that Ireland feels like home, and that I made the right decision in leaving London.

And last Sunday I headed down to Devon to see the grandfolks. I got a free upgrade on my car rental (woohoo!) but now I have a charge on my card because there was a mileage limit I wasn't told about of 125 MILES PER DAY. Stansted to Devon alone is over 250 miles!! Anyway, I'm trying to wangle the money back from the gits... Seeing my gram was lovely, although she's now making me play Words With Friends with her...

I don't really know how much longer we'll be in Germany because I'm going to start looking for jobs in Ireland next month, and if I get hired I'll head over before the boy's project is finished. Im getting quite impatient to start my life there now, but in the meantime I've made an 'On the March' list of things to do this month. I love lists.

  • Write my CV. Oh, God. I haven't had to write a CV in a million years but I've started and I just hope that there's something in entertainment or education that will be right for me. Or if someone employs me in a cool cafe, that'd be ok too!
  • Create my showreel. I have literally hours of video of me singing, and nobody ever sees it. A showreel is typically a 3-minute montage of all your best bits, whether it be singing, dancing, acting, presenting... I need to sift through all the videos and pick out all the bits where I'm showing off, basically. Then I need to send it to people so someone will hire me to sing.
  • Blog four times on each blog. As you can see, I'm not very schedular (if that's not a word it should be) when it comes to writing, and I'm trying to become more disciplined. I have not only this blog, but a baking blog The Gingerbread Lady, and two children's stories I'm working on, and if I'm to make my squagillions writing like JK, I need to actually write. (Disclaimer: If I do become a squagillionaire like JK, I'll pay my taxes just like she does).
  • Save €200. This looks much easier than it is. I really don't earn much over here so saving €50 a week is actually a bit of an achievement. This one is out of necessity. In April, I'm away for  week, then my main family is away for two weeks, so I'll have no money coming in at all. EEK!
  • Work out 15 times. I'm doing alright on this one actually, it's amazing what a sudden burst of vanity can help you achieve! I'm turning 30 in a few weeks and I want to look good in the photos haha!! I made this list last Monday and I worked out four times last week, so only another eleven to go. By which time I will have a six pack and a bum like that Instagram lady who's famous for her bum.
  • Complete level 3 on Rosetta Stone German. Enough said, really. My German isn't good enough.
  • Sort out voice recorder. Ok, this is the list because I've been trapsing this thing around with me for years in the vain hope that one day I might be bored enough to go through every single file, pluck out my vocal warm ups and chuck out the rest. And today I did it!! DONE.
  • Learn six songs. I have a bunch of songs that I'm vaguely working on that I want to get settled in my brain, and I figured six is a number I should actually exceed, especially now I have all my warm ups to hand!
  • Work on blog traffic. I see all these blogs with thousands of followers, and I feel like Billy-No-Mates in the corner over here. So I'm going to set up Twitter and Instagram and whatever else and spend a bit of time on it every day, like a little job.
  • Stat writing down my recipes. The recipes I use on a regular basis are all over the place: online, on my phone, in books, on scraps of cereal boxes... The idea is to have two books solely for recipes: one for healthy stuff, and one for naughty stuff. Because you need a bit of both...
Well, That's it from me for now. It feels good to be doing constructive things towards leaving here!